Let Them Eat Art

Let them Eat Art
Switching from guns, fear, hatred, division takes not only what we think it takes. Money, jobs, more roads and business opportunities have their place. Our hearts and souls need nourishment, comfort, a feeling of worth and greater good. When people listen to music or play music, look at a painting, do a painting, read a piece of literature, write a poem ect.. the result is rarely if ever a feeling of disconnection but rather a feeling of relief that there is some beauty and joy left to behold. Compassion can be grown from this little reminder that the world is indeed a place worth being in together. It might be a small feeling but it’s there asking to be heard and felt. We share this time and experience and  know deep down inside that everyone has a right be part of it. We’re born happy and ready to connect.We fight and feel fear simply because we’re told and therefore think our chance to be part of life is threatened. We don’t start with enemies. They are mostly chosen for us. We abdicate. 
So to be part of something that binds us all is what is most needed for healthy co-existence. Friends. Family. Music. Art. Books. Films. Universal Experience. Spirituality.  Purpose… Something we give to things that matter to us.
As we climb out of 2020 and all it’s ire and pain remember that part of the way forward and out of the Great Depression was the Federal Arts Project (FAP) which was part of the New Deal. 
Let Us Eat Art!

Franco November 25 2020